Grandmothers Are Strong Women

Grandmothers Are Strong Women

The role of the grandmother is vital to the happiness and well-being of the entire family whether we are talking about the maternal grandmother or the paternal grandmother.

Having that bond between a grandchild and his or her grandmother is very healthy.  It not only benefits the grandmother, but it also benefits the child.

Here are three (3) reasons why:

  1. Grandmothers influenced their grandchildren’s beliefs and values. Just by regular contact, a sense of emotional closeness, and unwavering support, the child can experience what a true, positive relationship should look like. That is something that carries on with them throughout their entire lives and from generation to generation.

That's why it is so important to connect with grandchildren starting in those early years because that is when positive relationships start to build.

  • I myself became a grandmother at a very early age. I was thirty-six (36) years old. Seems like many moons ago. (Lol) Fortunately, I was blessed to watch and observe my mom’s relationship with my children. Now that I have seven grandchildren of my own, I’m so thankful that my mom laid the foundation to allow me to follow in her foootsteps. Unconditional love, time, and support was what she gave to my grandchildren day in and day out.
  1. A close relationship between a grandmother and grandchild can reduce stress for BOTH generations. Grandkids have the biggest fun when they are with their grandma. Grandmothers let grandchildren do anything and get away with everything and it's usually the things their mom or dad don't let them do. Most grandmothers truly love their role and feel that being a grandmother is one of life’s great joys and privileges. Spending quality time bonding with a grandchild is something money could never buy.  Also, it's my opinion that because you can send grandchildren back home, reduces the stress in the relationship to begin with.
  1. Grandmothers are a valuable resource. because they have so many stories and experiences to share. Grandmothers are the strongest links to  connecting family heritage and history which is so important especially during this day and age when history is being re-written.
  2. Often times grandchildren will listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers even when they won't listen to their parents or other adults.  

Some of my fondest memories are when I spent time at my grandmother's house. I would go to my maternal grandmother’s house every day because that is where my mom and her siblings would hang out.  My grandmother would tell us stories from the past and she would have bible studies every week.  My grandmother’s home was that comfort place where relatives would go to eat, sing, and pray together. 


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