Our Mission

GRANDMArveous was created to change the misperceptions and stereotypes associated with grandmothers and women over a certain age.  Often, we are perceived as women who are lonely with gray hair buns, walk on a cane, covered in clothing from head to toe, smell funny, eat peppermint candy, watch television all day, and hand out pennies to our grandchildren. Well, that is your back in the day grandmothers. Welcome to "Today's Modern Grandmothers".

Many of us are active and vibrant women with careers, running businesses and churches, travelling around the world, enjoy having a good ole time with family and friends, as well as, opening and knocking down doors creating opportunities for our grandchildren.

Many of us have life experiences of half a century (more or less) and are NOT ready for the rocking chair just yet!  As a matter of fact, "We're not sitting in rocking chairs -- we're more like building them".