Grandmothers Do The Most

Grandmothers Do The Most


Grandmothers are usually the rock, glue, backbone, and prayer warriors for their families.  It's way past time, that we as a society, starting RECOGNIZING and CELEBRATING the important role that a grandmother plays in the stability of her family and the unconditional love she displays each and every day.

These days:

  • Grandmother’s are raising their grandchildren, some permanently, through the foster care system especially with the increase in drug addiction and senseless female homicides in our communities. When this happens, it’s usually the grandmother who makes the sacrifice and steps up to raise the grandchildren.
  • Then, you have a lot of single parent homes where the mother is raising the children themselves without the help of the child’s father. It that case, it is also usually the grandmother who makes the sacrifice and steps up the help raise the grandchildren.
  • Not to mention, the many times when the mother has to go to work or go to school and they are not comfortable with sending their babies to childcare. Again, it’s usually the grandmother who makes the sacrifice and steps up to watch the grandchildren.

Most grandmothers do this all from a loving heart without expecting or wanting anything in return other than our grandchildren to live in a safe, comfortable, and in a positive environment where they can grow up and be successful.  

Grandmothers really do matter and THEY CARE!  It baffles me to think what would many of us have done without them.  Grandmothers deserve to smell their flowers! 

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