Educating, Elevating, and Celebrating Today's Modern Grandmothers & Women 40+ Years Young


Adult Section

Children's Corner

Today's grandmothers are beautiful & active women living their lives unapologetically!

Today's modern grandmothers are embracing life with confidence and grace. We are family oriented, educated, beautiful, fashionable, health conscience, nurturing, and career minded women. We are not to be set aside or overlooked but celebrated! We are GRANDMArvelous!


Coming Soon!

GRANDMArvelous Care Packages

We will be giving away FREE "GRANDMArvelous" Care Packages to ordinary grandmothers doing extraordinary things!

(care packages will vary)



  • Grandmothers Do The Most

    Grandmothers Do The Most

      Grandmothers are usually the rock, glue, backbone, and prayer warriors for their families.  It's way past time, that we as a society, starting RECOGNIZING and CELEBRATING the important role that a grandmother plays in the stability...

    Grandmothers Do The Most

      Grandmothers are usually the rock, glue, backbone, and prayer warriors for their families.  It's way past time, that we as a society, starting RECOGNIZING and CELEBRATING the important role that a grandmother plays in the stability...

  • Modern Day Grandmothers

    Modern Day Grandmothers

      Grandmothers are no longer that old stereotype image of a women who wears thick bifocal eyeglasses, who walk hunched back, and has a cane with hair is tied up...

    Modern Day Grandmothers

      Grandmothers are no longer that old stereotype image of a women who wears thick bifocal eyeglasses, who walk hunched back, and has a cane with hair is tied up...

  • Grandmothers Are Strong Women

    Grandmothers Are Strong Women

    The role of the grandmother is vital to the happiness and well-being of the entire family whether we are talking about the maternal grandmother or the paternal grandmother. Having that...

    Grandmothers Are Strong Women

    The role of the grandmother is vital to the happiness and well-being of the entire family whether we are talking about the maternal grandmother or the paternal grandmother. Having that...

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